Saturday, May 14, 2016

What Do I Want to Be in the Future?

... Thaaaat's a goood question. To be honest, I really don't know what I want to be in the future.  Before I came to Canada, in the middle school presentation, I said, "I want to be 'a bridge between Japan and other countries' ," so that's kind of why I came to Canada.  I chose Canada because Canadian speaks English, right? lool (Of course, French too!! That makes even cooler!! )  Probably now you have a question such as "Why you didn't choose England, NZ, Australia, the States or any English speaking country? "  Well... it is because before I came to Canada, I read the article (in Japanese) about English, and in the article, "If you wanna learn English, you should go to Canada because Canadian English is very clear and easy to understand for many people."  This article was not wrong, if Canadian didn't speak so fast. LOL   I still think that my choice is right which is coming to Canada, even though, Canadian speaks English super fast. (Especially teenagers... like all my friends XD )  I like Canada because since Canada is a diverse country (I believe), many people are respecting (or look like) other countries' culture, and I feel like I have friends all over the world without going all over the world.  (You know what I mean. )  My dream is not changed yet, but I just have to make it more specific.., but don't know what I can do to be 'a bridge between countries'.  I guess I still have a time to figure out? Hopefully I came up with some great ideas for that! You are always allowed to help me out also :D  Thaat's it for today! Thank you for reading!! Good night :)

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